Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me:
for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus, though, steps in and insists on allowing the little children to come to Him. He tells the disciples not to hinder them because the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like children. It is a tender picture, and Jesus clearly cares for the children.
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me:
for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus, though, steps in and insists on allowing the little children to come to Him. He tells the disciples not to hinder them because the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like children. It is a tender picture, and Jesus clearly cares for the children.
Bread of Life Youth Ministries
3 youth Ministries
3 youth Ministries
3 D - Dreamers Destroying Distractions

Ages 5 - 12 years at 10:00 AM
Here at BOL we care about your family! From age 5 to 12, we offer age-appropriate environments where kids can encounter the Gospel of Jesus and love of God. Rest assured that our rooms are staffed well with trained, background checked teachers that want to share and display
the heart of Jesus.
the heart of Jesus.
Little Lambs

Ages 1- 4 yrs at 10:00 AM
Have kids? No worries, we've got you covered. This is the time for them to meet friends, have fun, and learn about God in a real and relevant way.
Rest assured that your child will have a wonderful time experiencing the Lord while
you're doing the same.
Rest assured that your child will have a wonderful time experiencing the Lord while
you're doing the same.

L. I. F. E. - Living In Faith Everyday Ages 13-18yrs
Bread Of Life World Outreach Center offer high-quality spiritual formation for students in grades 7-12. On Sunday mornings in a modern youthful setting for teens to meet in small group discussions with supportive adults, and prayer. Lessons are geared for youth or coordinated around current events or concerns that offer guidance in their Christian walk in this challenging and evolving world.
Youversion Bible For Kids:
The Bible Adventure curriculum helps preschoolers get to know Jesus in the context of small group relationships. Each hour-long experience includes simple in-room illustrations, a video-teaching-based Bible Adventure for small groups to go on together, and an in-room review time that inspires wonder. Each unit asks a question, presents an engaging Bible story, and teaches a memorable Bible verse in a way that helps two-, three-, and four-year-olds apply spiritual truth to their everyday life.

2024 Youth Prayer